Senior ADVENTURE Program
Price: £140pp or £30pp for single days
Available Weeks
5th - 9th July: FULL
12th - 16th July: FULL
19th - 23rd July: FULL
26th - 30th July: Places available
2nd - 6th August: FULL
9th - 13th August: Places available
16th - 20th August: FULL
23rd - 27th August: FULL
This exciting adventure program designed for 12 - 15 year olds is based on the junior adventure program, and indeed has lots of the same activities, just pitched at a higher level, but also has additional activities that are more adventurous. On this summer program your teens will also learn the basics of some outdoor adventure skills such as belaying a fellow climber and introduction to map skills.
All activities are designed to create a big sense of adventure and exploration while our fun and experienced instructors keep everyone safe and happy.
Activities on offer
Raft Building
Team Games
Rocky Shores Scavenger Hunt